Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sang Pemikir

Assalamualaikum my dearest friend,
rasenye blom t'lambat lagi utk aku ucapkan SELAMAT MENJALANI IBADAH PUASA!!!hehe
kemalasan yg melanda diri wat ak mls nk jengok blog ni,apetah ag fb..huhu
nk tau aku wat pe??ak bz b'fikir..hehe..aicehh..sound cam poyo je an...
tp,series...mase lapang sepanjang cuti ni wat ak banyak b'fikir..cthnyer:
ape aku nak wat ble abes cuti sem ni??
maseh ak yang dulukah??
maseh suke maen2 dan sengalkah??eehhh..mestilah...kalo x,bukan sarah la..hehe

yang ak tgh risaunyer is what we call future..its easy to live in present..doesn't it??
dealing with past?? past is past..let bygone be bygone..
aku suke je kot buat2 lupe ngan masalah aku lepas2..aku da b'jaye lupekan setakat ni..
tapi,bulan ramadhan ni ade hikmahnyer..buat ak muhasabah dri sendri
i mend my own prob by myself..for once in my life..settle...xde sangkot2 ag..
ukhwah prsahabatan ak ngan kawan ak ni,kembali b'taut semule...
hamboi..cliche tol ayat ak ni..hehe
dan aku tau value of my existence to a certain someone..
i became a wonderwall to a certain someone.

n off course the certain someone has became my wonderwall too...^ ^
so,i guess the future is . . . . . . . . . 
 what we are after we manage to dealing with past n present time we have

mmm..nmpknyer..da tibe msenyer utk wat time line untok future life ak..
like rite now..maybe
n ak harap korg sume pon jumpe ape yg korg cari for past,present n future..
May Allah bless us all.

foot note: we come..hehehe
-penimbg berat bdn wat lwk ngan ak..kejap naek, kejap tron..cett
-full time housewive,part time downloader....huuu

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Assalamualaikum again. hello there. d title looks fantastic rite??.. hehe..jgn caye..tu lagi satu pnipuan besar  are things..sape cakap rugi kalo ak xde akak??rugi xde adik pompuan??mm..for me its not a loss..its a great gain..kenape??ade abg n adek lelaki not so bad pe..bcoz....i can still bake my cakes n pudding wif their help..hehe..sorg sukat bahan2 n ag sorg mmg tlg makan smpy abes ah..satu sen x rugi..muahahaha

tadaa..this is d first masterpiece.baru buat last weekend.mood yg sgt2 baek hingge trase mau trbang mnyebabkan double choc muffin ni siap..huhu..actually muffin ni makan ngan coklat putih yg tlah pic yg siap tu x cantek i leave d rest 4 ur imagination yeah..hehe..white melty chocolate on top wif a sprinkle of cocoa powder..yum yum

d second masterpiece is called mangO muffin..ini hasil rekaan aku..maseh bleh would be nice kalo ade topping..maybe utk second attempt..huhu..butter+icing sugar+lemon juice would be nice..btw,muffin ni abes dlm mse sehari smalam je..same ade bende ni sedap sgt or adek beradek aku mmg pelahap..ki3..(cian ayahkoO,dpt mkn satu je..ish3)

ini adelah yg paling mengalirkan air liur.d third masterpiece. Puding roti kismis wif scoop of vanila ice-cream.n bende ni la makanan plg senang nak buat..hehe..x tau nk kate ape dah unless u taste it first...:p

this holiday has been amazing since my lappy cracked..haha..silly me..thats all peeps..thanks 4 reading my ranting..adiOs ^ ^

foot note:
-sejaoh mane kau tgglkan ktorg, takkan ktorg tgglkan kau
-kiter x kutOk org yg kiter x syg..hehe

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I am damn happy today
senyum pon da bleh b'cantOm balek 

Friday, July 8, 2011

cinta datang,cinta pergi n cinta dtg balek??

Asalamualaikum n Salam Harmoni..hehehe
This enrty is specially made for someone
Today is a special day..coz someone celebrate her birthday today!!!

my very best friend a.k.a. NURUL ROSNISA BT. SABRI(btol ke ni??hehehe)
ko la manusia yg paling byk sabar ngan perangai ak yg slalu lupe besday membe sendri..hehe..mne ade ag member yg msg tnyer "Sarah, ko xnk wish besday ak ke??ak lak yg segan(ye ke??hehe)anyway,best wishes 4 u.keje baek2.tau ko keje kat Dunkin Donut,jgn asek melantak donut je.hehe.n be d cheerful persOn ever like way back in matric before.seronok nyer time tuh.huhu Truthfully,i know u r upset bout something rite now.camne ak tau??sebab ak kawan ko..hehe.ak mintak maap kalo kekadang ak xde ngan ko ble ko sedih.b'diam dri,x jwp call kau,x b'makne ak x ambik kisah psl ko kan??well.bknnyer ape.i'm not a best adviser.coz ble ak bg nsihat,i thought ur heart is like x kan??ak xtaula ak ni jenis hati ape..artificial heart maybe??huhu
i know u have heartbreaking so many times.but that not d excuse to feel sad n give up the half way,rite??.kawan aku slalu cakap,kalo kiter percaye ngan jodoh drpd ALLAH,jodoh yg t'baek tu akan dtg kat kter.mybe bkn yg perfect one,but good enough n worth waiting for..^^
babe,stop looking back.see infront you(thats what i do rite now).keraskan cket hati tu.jgn jd tisu sgt..hehee..mmm.time kat matrik dlu ko byk nasihat n tolong ak kan..kalo ko xde time tu,ak ase xde SARAH NURSYAZMIN yg mcm ni skarang..yela..hidop ak kan tragik n histeria cket time kat matrik skang da matured cket(kononyer la)SO,cinta dtg,pergi n dtg balek bler kene pde fine day will come.xpyh nak sedih sgt k.ko kan kuat..huhu^^

enough words for now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURUL!!!again..hehe

disebabkan laptOp ak da jahanam,pic ni je tggl :P

foot note:
-takkan kita rase indaynya cinta tanpa cinta drpd-Nya
-semakin rajen menaip coz lot of free time..hehehe
-walo pon ak ase entry ni poyo,ak nak publish jgk ^ ^

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

cuti sem ke cuti pantang ni??lamo sgt~

Assalamualaikum sumenyer...
waaa..banyak nyer mse lapang..b'lebih2...inilah die cuti sem..biar betol..feels like 4 months= 4 years..camtu jgk le ngan blajo..4 taon tu..ape la ak nk wat lme2 kat UPM tu(konOnnyer)..padehal b'lambak2 keje..maklom le naek cuti baru ak keje..sebb ape??sebb ak jual ABC kat kolej tu..hehehe..rindunyer...bkn xnk keje time cuti ni..tapi, tu la dier.mamakoo lebih prlukan khidmat ak kat umah ni(x psl2 mak ak jd alasan)..hehehe..sori mamakoo syg.. segale drama yg best kat tv ak layan skang ni..segale cter korea hampir khatam...ade lagi satu benda lagi ak cbe khatamkan..insyaallah dlm cuti ni..^ ^
nk kuar sgt pon xleh..wa pokai gler..hehehe..penganggOr t'hormat la katekan..hehehe..ade satu bende yg bakal menambah kepokaian ak...laptOp ak..kerana kecuaian yg t'amat laptop have even has a sort of design...corak bunga nk tkot..hahaha..tggu mse nk repair ble tu??..meranap le aku...mgkin abgkOo t'syg bleh support??bleh ke??cam xde harapan je..ish3..nk online pon gne netbook die..kem salam je la.. :(

enough 4 now...nk t'tggl da keyboard netbook abg ak ni..hehe..ja, mata :D

nota kaki:
*waktu yg t'luang baeklah ak gnekan utk muhasabah dirikoo
*diri ini prlu ditarbiyah dgn lbeh gigih lagi

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

i'm back with 1000 stOries

fuuh...bersawang abes ah blog ni..haha..npe ye??mm..mstilah sebb tuan die yg sgt malas ni..SARAH NURSYAZMIN MOHD KAMAL. kenal x..hehe
enough bout my laziness..

mmm..title mcm byk story kan...tipu jer tuh..cume tibe2 ak dpt ilham nak karang ayat cket..hehehe

life as I know
something that too obvious
should not be said
but instead...
should be understand by itself
by a gaze of eyes maybe
but it would be to cliche isn't?? means a simple understanding
word doesn't seem important anymore
bcoz word like knife will kill ones heart.
i have feel that
maybe a few times
along this 20 years and 8 month

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

what happen to me??

smile like an idiot while lookin'at ur pic
sing ur favourite song
missing ur crooked smile
happy even u scolding me
sad if u turn ur cold shoulder to me
wanting to make sure if u are well or not
lookin' for sOmething u like
am i d only one who have tht symptom??
 arghh..get a grip..dont let urself fell deeper
its risky..:p