Asalamualaikum n Salam Harmoni..hehehe
This enrty is specially made for someone
Today is a special day..coz someone celebrate her birthday today!!!
my very best friend a.k.a. NURUL ROSNISA BT. SABRI(btol ke ni??hehehe)
ko la manusia yg paling byk sabar ngan perangai ak yg slalu lupe besday membe sendri..hehe..mne ade ag member yg msg tnyer "Sarah, ko xnk wish besday ak ke??ak lak yg segan(ye ke??hehe)anyway,best wishes 4 u.keje baek2.tau ko keje kat Dunkin Donut,jgn asek melantak donut je.hehe.n be d cheerful persOn ever like way back in matric before.seronok nyer time tuh.huhu Truthfully,i know u r upset bout something rite now.camne ak tau??sebab ak kawan ko..hehe.ak mintak maap kalo kekadang ak xde ngan ko ble ko sedih.b'diam dri,x jwp call kau,x b'makne ak x ambik kisah psl ko kan??well.bknnyer ape.i'm not a best adviser.coz ble ak bg nsihat,i thought ur heart is like x kan??ak xtaula ak ni jenis hati ape..artificial heart maybe??huhui know u have heartbreaking so many times.but that not d excuse to feel sad n give up the half way,rite??.kawan aku slalu cakap,kalo kiter percaye ngan jodoh drpd ALLAH,jodoh yg t'baek tu akan dtg kat kter.mybe bkn yg perfect one,but good enough n worth waiting for..^^
babe,stop looking back.see infront you(thats what i do rite now).keraskan cket hati tu.jgn jd tisu sgt..hehee..mmm.time kat matrik dlu ko byk nasihat n tolong ak kan..kalo ko xde time tu,ak ase xde SARAH NURSYAZMIN yg mcm ni skarang..yela..hidop ak kan tragik n histeria cket time kat matrik skang da matured cket(kononyer la)SO,cinta dtg,pergi n dtg balek bler kene pde fine day will come.xpyh nak sedih sgt k.ko kan kuat..huhu^^
enough words for now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURUL!!!again..hehe
disebabkan laptOp ak da jahanam,pic ni je tggl :P
-takkan kita rase indaynya cinta tanpa cinta drpd-Nya
-semakin rajen menaip coz lot of free time..hehehe
-walo pon ak ase entry ni poyo,ak nak publish jgk ^ ^
haha~ tak delah poyo mane pun... poyo ckt jek... =) teruskan usaha post entri best2 lagi ye... =)
ReplyDeletep/s: baru terjumpa blog ko. thanks to emy...
haha..bru mrajenkan dri update blOg ni..thanx follow..:D
ReplyDeletehaha~~ aku nye besday taOn depan nk lagi panjang au wish nye~~ dah la kek tak pat!!!! ish3~~ hehehe~~~ haaa... g satu, mmg ko nmpak matured ckit bile duk umah nie.. ayat nak poyosss tapi sgt3 bermakne! if ak lah empunya diri di atas, pasti terharu amat3~~~~ hahahaha~~~ apepn... teruskan usaha untuk menjdi blogger~~ hehehe~~
ReplyDeletecinta dtg..cinta pergi..cinta dtg dan cinta 2 tlah pergi balek...hahhahah...tragis x cerita aku ni???
ReplyDeletekalo ade rezeki,adela kek utk ko taon dpan..ki3..thanx beb.muahhh3
ReplyDeletetragis la jgk..huhu