Wednesday, July 6, 2011

cuti sem ke cuti pantang ni??lamo sgt~

Assalamualaikum sumenyer...
waaa..banyak nyer mse lapang..b'lebih2...inilah die cuti sem..biar betol..feels like 4 months= 4 years..camtu jgk le ngan blajo..4 taon tu..ape la ak nk wat lme2 kat UPM tu(konOnnyer)..padehal b'lambak2 keje..maklom le naek cuti baru ak keje..sebb ape??sebb ak jual ABC kat kolej tu..hehehe..rindunyer...bkn xnk keje time cuti ni..tapi, tu la dier.mamakoo lebih prlukan khidmat ak kat umah ni(x psl2 mak ak jd alasan)..hehehe..sori mamakoo syg.. segale drama yg best kat tv ak layan skang ni..segale cter korea hampir khatam...ade lagi satu benda lagi ak cbe khatamkan..insyaallah dlm cuti ni..^ ^
nk kuar sgt pon xleh..wa pokai gler..hehehe..penganggOr t'hormat la katekan..hehehe..ade satu bende yg bakal menambah kepokaian ak...laptOp ak..kerana kecuaian yg t'amat laptop have even has a sort of design...corak bunga nk tkot..hahaha..tggu mse nk repair ble tu??..meranap le aku...mgkin abgkOo t'syg bleh support??bleh ke??cam xde harapan je..ish3..nk online pon gne netbook die..kem salam je la.. :(

enough 4 now...nk t'tggl da keyboard netbook abg ak ni..hehe..ja, mata :D

nota kaki:
*waktu yg t'luang baeklah ak gnekan utk muhasabah dirikoo
*diri ini prlu ditarbiyah dgn lbeh gigih lagi


  1. aku paling suke post yang kali nie~~ hehe... rindu ngn kate2 ko!!! arghhh!!! hahaha~~~

  2. hahaha..msti rindu ak mmbebel sorg2 kan..miss u too kak mon..anyway,smpy 3 kali lu follow gua..stalker sunggOh :p

  3. nurul sengal,tau la follower ko ramy..smpy ak da follow pon ko x perasan..hehehe
